5 February 2014

Review: Craft ladies’ performance bike stretch jacket and dhb ladies’ merino zip neck base layer

The winter weather has really tested my cycling kit this month. Find out what I thought of my new jacket and base layer

The last couple of weeks have provided me with the opportunity to really test out my winter cycling wardrobe. While this winter on the whole has been really rather mild, the last couple of weeks have included at least one very cold day and lots and lots of rain.

The base layer
When I took the dhb base layer out of the packaging my first reaction was “This is too nice to keep as a base layer – I could wear it to the pub!” The fit is absolutely spot on and I love the bright raspberry colour (it’s also available in grey).

The merino mix fabric is so light and thin it seems impossible that it could keep you warm, but so far I’ve mostly only needed the base layer and my winter jacket. In fact I’ve only twice had to wear another layer. It’s also incredibly comfortable to wear, and I speak (type?) as someone with very sensitive skin.

The dhb base layer. Love this colour.

The top is great at keeping you toasty while wicking away sweat. Unlike my other (cheaper) ones it doesn’t start to smell sweaty after a couple of outings, which is a bonus. I tend to push myself pretty hard on the bike, so yes, I do sweat, and I don’t want to start smelling a bit musty after just a couple of rides, or be constantly washing my kit.

My only gripe is the lack of choice regarding colour. All women’s cycling kit seems to be either pink or black/dark grey. Now I actually like pink, but that doesn’t mean I want everything I wear to be in this colour, and I don’t really want to be head to toe in black either. The combination of black leggings and top is just too ‘mime artist’ for me. A nice purple or turquoise would just add to the choices available.

The jacket
Combined with my Craft ladies’ performance bike stretch jacket, I haven’t really needed any other layers this winter. The jacket got a proper testing a couple of weeks ago, when, about halfway home, a light rain turned to a downpour of biblical proportions, complete with hail stones and high winds – I can reliably report that hail stones blown into the face while riding sting a lot.

By the time I arrived home my bottom half was absolutely drenched. In fact my shoes were still wet the next day, despite being left on a radiator all night. My top half, however, protected by the jacket, was completely dry.

By the time I arrived home my bottom half was absolutely drenched – my top half, however, was completely dry

It’s pretty hot in the looks department too: dark purple with turquoise stripes and silver light-reflective accents. I like long sleeves and the jacket doesn’t disappoint. The elasticated cuffs keep the wind out when I’m riding, but what I really like is the long ‘over-cuff’ which covers part of my gloves and provides an extra layer of warmth.

I’m generally not keen on tight clothing, so I’ve had to get used to the ultra-fitted look of cycling gear, and when I first put on this jacket I was a bit unsure. However, on the two occasions that I’ve had two layers on underneath it was fine. The fit is actually really good now that I’m more comfortable with the snugness of cycling clothing.

The Craft jacket. Sorry no photos of me wearing the clothes.
I tried but couldn't do it with my iPhone.

Both these items were given to me by family members as presents and were bought from www.wiggle.com; the jacket is no longer available.

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